Government of Albania has adopted a good Policy Corpus on Environment and Sustainable Development. The following legislative and strategic measures are adopted which contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions:

– Waste prevention by introducing EPR systems for specific waste streams including packaging of waste: new law on EPR drafted and expected to be adopted in March 2024.

– Waste Prevention Program (WPP) to be developed: Law 10463/2011 “on integrated waste management” as amended, requires the preparation of the Waste Prevention Program. WPP to start drafting process in the year 2025. Funding from EU Green Growth and Circular Economy Project.

– Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for the period 2020 – 2035, adopts measures and set targets for 35% reduction of biodegradable waste going to landfills by year 2035, compared of the base year 2016.

– Requirements for organic waste management are defined by the Decision of Council Members (DCM) No. 608, dated 17.9.2014 “on determination of the necessary measures for the collection and treatment of bio waste as well as the criteria and deadlines for their reduction”, consisting in procedures for separate collection, treatment, and related targets. The legal act defines that municipalities must reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfills by 50% of the total waste generated in year 2014, by year 2021 and to 35% of the same target year by 2026. These targets and enforcement will be revised starting in the year 2024.

– Facilities for composting at municipal level are constructed with the support of GIZ and are operational in three municipalities. The MTE plans to increase this number to 10 within year 2023, aiming at establishing composting sites in all municipalities in the country, 61 in total.