Партнер WECA


The Women’s Economic Chamber of Albania (WECA) was legally established on 26th June 2020. 

The Chamber represents the common interest of a group of women entrepreneurs and professionals to influence society for the empowerment of women entrepreneurship in Albania. After decades of experience in various fields of business, they joined together the knowledge, energy, interest and desire for contribution to extend to the community of women-led businesses. 

The WECA’s mission is to empower women in entrepreneurship as promoters of the economy, contributing to all decision-making processes of economic issues. 

The purpose is to protect the economic interests of women entrepreneurs, professionals, and self-employed in all sectors of the economy through lobbying and advocacy. WECA emphasises the need for the development of capacities of women entrepreneurship by the provision of services through delivering information, training, promotion activities, facilitation on the creation of new businesses, support through mentoring and coaching programmes and representing them in local and international activities, events and forums, and promoting their business through the social media network and different platforms.

Its experience and expertise have been improved by cooperating with different local and international organisations and working with EU programmes focusing on business development and women’s entrepreneurship. WECA membership consisted of 120 women throughout Albania.


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