Partner BWA

Business Women Assocication of Montenegro supports women in business, female leadership and entrepreneurship, advocate for business climate improvement and continuously is fostering networking on a local, regional and international level.
Business Women Association of Montenegro is recognised as a respected partner in public-private dialogue, contributing to social and economic development, with a special focus on female entrepreneurship as a factor of economic growth.
Our Objectives:
Strengthening the entrepreneurial potential of women in Montenegro
Networking of women entrepreneurs and women managers at the national, regional and international level
Strengthening local, regional and international ties among women entrepreneurs through the exchange of experiences and ideas
Encouraging women to start their own businesses and increase the number of women start-ups
Supporting existing woman-owned companies to expand their businesses
Influencing to the development of public policies which are favourable for SMEs
Promoting social responsibility and a high standard of ethics in business
Contact email: [email protected]